We worked on a website for the Cosmotology Spa Days.
Screenshots of the pages I worked on, the Contact and Services pages.
The contact page was my form page, and had a form requesting an email for notificians when cosmotology events are happening.
The form's input types were email and there was a submit button. The method used was POST and it led to a base page which displayed results. If this form was actually utilized, it would lead to a page which could accumlate responses for future use.
The development process was semi-smooth with a few issues. I had no issues with the creation of pages on the shared repo, and was able to edit pages from other people easily. I needed to merge my edits once after not uploading before doing soemthing else and a partner changing things before I got back. This was solved pretty easily, but I got help from Mr. Jones out of fear of messing something up. Other than that, I had no issues with the repo being syncronized as I worked and I pulled and uploaded while working. I believe that msot of the time, my partners and I worked at different times.